The Year of the OM!
April 5, 2011

Happy New Year Everyone….
After Christmas I received wonderful and inspiring emails from people who had received OMs as gifts and they told me how much they loved them.  I couldn’t have asked for a better beginning to a new year, it has warmed my heart to no end!
I’d like to extend a few thank yous:
Steven and his wife Claudia, they have a company, called OM hOMe .  They make amazing homemade organic granola.  I recently had the pleasure of meeting both of them and after our meeting I can honestly say that Steven is my biggest fan.  Thank you so much Steven and Happy New Year, I truly enjoyed meeting both of you.
My other thank you is to Kelley MacDonald.  Kelley received her OM from her daughter at Christmas.  Kelley is an incredible artist/painter and I love her paintings.  When she wrote to me she told me she was going to paint a portrait of her OM, and she did and it’s wonderful!!  Please check out her work at Thank you Kelley, and thank you to your daughter for having such wonderful taste.
It’s all so funny to me at times……If anyone had told me, back in high school, that I was going to be making small ‘gnOMe’ like characters for a living I would have looked at them as if they’d lost their mind…..but, here I am and in all honesty I have never been happier.  I love what I’m doing, and I’m extremely grateful that I am even able to do this.  But now, what I’m realizing even more, is how much I’m going to love all the great new connections I’ll be making along the way with people who share the joy and love of an OM……..what a gift.
I love that whatever we do in our lives helps to create our destiny.  And I love that the tag line ‘We are all connected’ is manifesting the very nature and character of this business, connecting people around the globe with OMs.
I am so fulfilled with the unfolding of this business, something I’ve never quite experienced before and it continues to offer me incredible gratitude, hope and inspiration.
A great way to start the new year.
Thank you.
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