OM Blog

March 21, 2023

The Year Ahead….

As winter comes to an end, it marks the return of the light! Today, March 20, 2023 begins our spring equinox. In Latin the word ‘equinox’ means, equality of […]
January 13, 2021

Thank you!

To my valued OM customers,  As the year 2020 leaves us, I have reflected on the incredible kindness I continue to experience with the OM community. […]
September 15, 2020

Could you be loved and be loved

At all cost, stay mentally and spirituality fit Bob Marley, need I say more…..I still remember hearing my first Bob Marley and the Wailers album; ‘Exodus’. […]
March 31, 2020

Let Your Light Shine

There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it. Edith Wharton “Forgive me, I did not mean to be […]
March 18, 2020

Rudolf Steiner

I was given this verse while attending Sunbridge Institute in 1998: We must eradicate from the soul all fear and terror of what comes towards man out of the […]
March 4, 2020

Every single piece of the puzzle of life is essential

This week, we marked World Wildlife Day. In doing so, we celebrated something that has long inspired our work here at Legends of OM. That thing? […]
January 10, 2020

We have long had a vision

It’s called the Elephant House.  It’s situated on the bustling George IV Bridge.  There’s a quaint back room that overlooks the imposing walls of Edinburgh Castle.  […]
December 31, 2019

Whenever coffee trades hands, there’s a bit of love and kindness that’s shared with it.

In Rhode Island, not a million miles from our studio, there lives a young man. His name is Michael Coyne. Since first hearing about him, he […]
November 28, 2019

Thanksgiving 2019

Our thought for Thanksgiving: that nothing connects quite like kindness. It’s a simple notion, yet one that couldn’t be more profound. Compassion makes us better – […]
June 28, 2018

Three fingers = To-tall-y. Four = In-fin-i-ty

You’ll remember Kira Brown-Augdal aka Kira Fierce, we hope. No longer with us, but forever in our hearts and our memories. Lost to DIPG, a devastating […]
April 20, 2018

For kids, against DIPG; feel that connection

Luke Stewart. Julianna Sayler. Parker Monhollon. Ronil Mehta. Kaleigh Lau. Zoé Donneaud. Camron Cozzi. Hunter Jones. Alan Vasquez. Andrea Ottaviani. Annabelle Nguyen. Kira Brown-Augdal. These are all names that, we suspect, mean nothing […]
March 17, 2018

Connected to Kira, always

We’d like to tell you a story. It’s a tale both touching and tragic. Emotional, yet inspiring. It’s about a girl named Kira.  It’s about a […]
October 1, 2015

We all have it in us to touch the lives of others . . .

Imagine, for a moment, you’re a farmer . . . The planting, the ploughing and the picking. Your body. The machines. The days that are hot […]
September 17, 2015

'If everyone does a little more for those less fortunate, we'll have a better society . . .'

Kindness is no more . . . You could be forgiven for thinking this and the images from Europe – the refugees, the tear gas, the […]
August 2, 2015

'Everything exists together in a delicate balance . . .'

Like many, we’ve spent recent days thinking hard about Cecil the lion, Walter the dentist and the events in Zimbabwe that led the former to lose his […]
June 30, 2015

'Walk in somebody else’s shoes, see through their eyes . . .'

Terror in Tunisia. In South Carolina, carnage. Isis’ influence all around us, the threat level as high as it has ever been. Life on Earth isn’t […]
April 15, 2015

The cool thing about kindness? It feels REALLY good!

You don’t need to be big to make an impact on this world . . . You don’t need special qualifications. You don’t need to be […]
March 26, 2015

You can make a difference. You can move mountains.

The people said that it couldn’t be done. His critics called him crazy . . . Yet Dashrath Manjhi could not be deterred. Dashrath Manjhi refused to […]
March 17, 2015

Take a whole lot of butterflies and get them to flap their wings!

Kindness. You just need to give a little. It goes an awful long way . . . Chris Rosati has proved as much in recent times, […]
March 3, 2015

This is a small world and we're all connected together . . .

Ever given much thought to how we are all connected? Not just as people, but as a planet? Our lives intertwine, that much is quite clear, […]
February 9, 2015

Kindness is in the air (and it has a habit of finding those who most need it) . . .

James Robertson is 56. He lives just outside Detroit, in Rochester Hills. He works the 2-10pm shift at a factory, operating a complicated-looking injection-molding machine. From […]
January 20, 2015

Connected? Before you've eaten breakfast in the morning, you've depended on more than half the world . . .

There’s not a great deal in life that inspires us more than reading about Martin Luther King. Yesterday, we spent a little time doing just that. It was Martin […]
September 23, 2014

'It's just crazy, thinking that someone has that much generosity in their heart . . .'

Chrisi Kemp had endured another bad morning . . . Her five-year-old daughter, sick for several months, was continuing to cause her mom considerable concern. Unpaid medical bills […]
September 10, 2014

'We should be better at reaching out to people who have become disconnected from others . . .'

More than one million people kill themselves EVERY YEAR. That’s 3,000 deaths a day, or one every 40 seconds. On an annual basis, suicide claims more […]
September 2, 2014

Gunter Demnig's Stolpersteine: forever connected . . .

Here at OM®, we love to learn about inspirational individuals . . . Those on a mission to make a difference. Those doing good deeds and setting an […]
August 13, 2014

Brave. Bold. Resilient. Resourceful. Imaginative. Inspirational.

Young people can be amazing . . . Brave. Bold. Resilient. Resourceful. Imaginative. Inspirational. Take Trisha Prabhu, for instance. Just 13-years-old, Trisha has, like countless teenagers, experienced […]
July 27, 2014

'Treat people right and be nice to other people . . .'

Gertrude Weaver is old. VERY old, in fact. She has a 78-year-old granddaughter for one thing. She got married in 1915 for another . . . […]
July 4, 2014

Zack's Shack – an inspiration to us all . . .

‘It feels GREAT to give . . .’ – Zack Francom. Imagine making a difference. REALLY making a difference. Imagine changing someone’s life. For the better. […]
June 24, 2014

'Peace, harmony, compassion and understanding . . .'

Long, long ago, in around 1,000 BC, the Queen of Sheba left her kingdom on camelback. She had company, a 750-strong caravan following her along the […]
June 12, 2014

'I was okay, because people helped me . . .'

‘We are all connected in one way, shape or form. It doesn’t matter what race, color or religion, or whatever it may be. If you just […]
May 21, 2014

'Building communities in which people are reconnected . . .'

‘It seems that in connecting to what is true within myself, I help other people to connect. Making genuine connection lies at the beginning of building […]
May 7, 2014

Boys and girls, old and young, all Earth's creatures live as one

Mother Earth, Father Sun, Moon and stars, we all are one, We are all connected . . .* Music is important to us here at OM® . . […]
April 23, 2014

Inspiring individuals to wellness, purpose and abundance . . .

You’ll all be aware, we’re quite certain, that here at OM®, connection is our thing. Common interests, shared goals, the invisible thread that binds us as human […]
April 1, 2014

'Just a little bit of time makes a BIG difference . . . '

Nicholas Lowinger can still recall the first time he ever set foot in a shelter for homeless people. He was just five-years-old, accompanying his mom, an art […]
March 18, 2014

'You count. You actually matter . . .'

‘We are all connected [and] when you show someone kindness, they can take that kindness and give it to someone else,’ says Jemmie Adams as he […]
February 26, 2014

'Life is beautiful, love is beautiful . . .'

She endured much during her 11 decades on Earth. She experienced great pain and suffered great loss. Her mother and her husband both died in the […]
January 28, 2014

The Bridgewater Badgers: Band of Brothers . . .

Danny Keefe has style. He might be just six-years-old, but he never goes anywhere without first making sure that he looks good. His favorite outfit consists […]
January 21, 2014

'Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition . . .'

Martin Luther King took a stand and Rosa Parks took a stand and, because of their courage, they helped to change America. [But] we still have […]
January 14, 2014

Encouraging enlightenment & putting an end to ignorance . . .

It could have been total carnage. Newtown all over again. The bloodshed beyond belief. More innocent lives lost. The perpetrators didn’t factor in Aitizaz Hasan, however. […]
January 7, 2014

Removing our masks for the OM Year of Courage!

In 2013, we celebrated the OM Year of Kindness, sharing stories about people who had looked out for others, done good deeds and made a difference. […]
December 17, 2013

Killing to connection: goodness comes from helping people

Jemal Damtawe has killed people. Lots of people. So many, in fact, that he lost count quite some time ago. Jemal’s victims included his neighbors, the […]
December 12, 2013

One love. One heart. Change is gonna come.

Twelve months ago, it hadn’t happened. For most people on Earth, Newtown was a place unknown. Even for those familiar, it was somewhere unremarkable, little more […]
December 6, 2013

'You always shone a light on the path . . .'

Since the sad news broke last night, much has been said and written about the late Nelson Mandela. The revolutionary, the politician, the philanthropist. The hero, […]
November 26, 2013

'We share more with others than we often recognize . . .'

It’s going to be an historic event, a once-in-a-lifetime occurrence. It’s something that hasn’t happened since 1888 and something that might not occur again for more […]
November 21, 2013

There's a Keith Orr in all our lives & it's time to step up!

Keith Orr was a nobody. Not popular. Not cool. Keith has special needs. He’s classed as learning disabled and struggles to understand boundaries. Keith likes to […]
November 14, 2013

'Our hearts are heavy for the people in the Philippines . . .'

Be Thankful. This is the message on our Facebook page right now, a message posted on November 2, a message designed to mark the approach to […]
November 8, 2013

'I have turned the page . . .'

On September 22, 2011, we sat down in our studio and began to compose a blog post. It was about homelessness and a short film clip […]
October 26, 2013

'Wake up to the reality – EVERYONE can do something kind!'

One morning, in 2008, three friends left their home in London, determined to make the world a better place. Their mission began on Parliament Hill, where […]
October 19, 2013

Kindness starts with us . . .

Good deeds are to be encouraged. There’s no question that kindness can make a big difference to those on the receiving end. But is it true […]
October 10, 2013

'No matter where you are, you can help spread kindness . . .'

‘I hope that you somehow see this and cry yourself to sleep and then that you kill yourself’. Yesterday, it was Grace McComas’ 17th birthday. Not […]
October 3, 2013

Catherine, compassion and celebrating our similarities . . .

Late one night, in March 1964, Catherine Genovese returned to her home in Queens having finished a long and laborious shift at Ev’s Eleventh Hour Sports […]
September 26, 2013

'The best mood that you could ever imagine . . .'

‘Truly, I believe that you have two hands – one to help yourself, and one to help others’. Earlier this year, Hillary Sadlon turned 22. For […]
September 24, 2013

Compassion is the glue that holds us all together . . .

‘We’re learning that compassion is the glue that holds communities together. It’s about neighbors looking out for each other, it’s caring about the least fortunate and […]
September 19, 2013

'There is magic in this world, and love around every corner . . .'

‘We all have massive hearts – this reminds us to use them. There is love around every corner.’ They’re small statues, figurines that come in friendship. […]
September 17, 2013

'Life's challenges are just opportunities in disguise . . .'

‘People said that I couldn’t. That I wouldn’t. People said that there was no way. Those people were wrong. Remember this – accomplishment starts with two […]
September 12, 2013

On the road: Armand's changing the world with kindness . . .

‘I’m one guy, out there trying to change the world. I’m on a mission and if I can do it, anyone can do it.’ In 2007, […]
September 10, 2013

'To overcome all this is the best feeling I've ever had . . .'

‘I’d go home every night and go to my room. I wouldn’t show anyone else, I’d keep it to myself and just let everything out. But […]
August 29, 2013

The astonishing power of the little boy who rarely spoke . . .

‘Jacob taught us many lessons during his short life, most notably: being kind, giving to others, smiling at everyone and making the most of each day. […]
August 27, 2013

'Love makes the world go round, but kindness inspires love'

‘I used to be a broker in London, working 12-hour days. It wasn’t for me. Then I went off and traveled the world and connected with […]
August 8, 2013

'Our lives are so intertwined . . .'

In recent days, here in Rhode Island, people have been getting married . . . There’s nothing unusual in this, you might think. You’d be mistaken. […]
August 6, 2013

The White Supremacist and the Sikh . . .

It’s never too late to change. Just ask Arno Michaelis . . . For a long, long time, he belonged to the White Supremacist movement, subscribing […]
August 1, 2013

From Russia to Rhode Island, we are all connected . . .

In 1907, having made the difficult decision to leave their home in Russia, a family called Werber traveled to the United States, determined to make a […]
July 30, 2013

Are YOU infected?

There’s a virus going around. It’s said to be contagious, but it’s not like other viruses. For one thing, its symptoms include no ill effects . […]
July 24, 2013

'Somewhere, the hurting must stop . . .'

It hadn’t been our intention to post on our blog this afternoon. But a little earlier today, whilst browsing on the internet, we stumbled upon something […]
July 23, 2013

Good deeds or donuts, we must keep paying forward . . .

In Naples, Italy, there’s a custom we’ve heard about that is known as Caffè Sospeso . . . Translated roughly, this means ‘suspended coffee’. It has been around […]
July 18, 2013

'We have all the answers we need inside us . . .'

This blog, more often than not, tends to focus on the people who inspire our efforts here at OM® . . . People like Hannah Brencher, for instance. People […]
July 16, 2013

Plush Panache and the cuddle connection . . .

There’s nothing quite like a cuddle . . . This, the most simple human gesture, is also perhaps the most powerful, the ultimate in physical intimacy, […]
July 11, 2013

Lighting the paths of others, who need love and kindness . . .

“The world doesn’t need another website. It doesn’t need another app or a network. What it needs is really basic. Simple. Bare-boned and often forgotten in […]
July 9, 2013

The milk of human kindness . . .

In Vancouver, Aimee Taylor has a beautiful five-month-old daughter called Alexa. She also has cancer. The plan, before illness struck, was that Aimee would breastfeed Alexa […]
July 4, 2013

The token effort: be kind, compassionate & thoughtful . . .

Paying it forward – the idea that doing a good deed can inspire another, and so on and so forth – is a familiar concept . […]
July 2, 2013

We are all connected (even Tom Hanks says so) . . .

The other day, we watched a movie. You might, perhaps, have seen it. It’s called Cloud Atlas. Based on David Mitchell’s best-selling book from 2004, it […]
June 27, 2013

Teaching compassion and understanding is of immeasurable value to the nation and the world . . .

‘It is our responsibility to make sure our children learn to treat each other with respect. The importance of educating our youngest members of society about […]
June 25, 2013

Tell the people you love how important they are . . .

On June 6, 2011, Tanya Lim telephoned her brother, Eric, to apologize for an argument the pair had had two or three months earlier . . […]
June 20, 2013

'Kids know what they're talking about (and we need to start listening to them more) . . .'

Here at OM®, we spend a great deal of time each week researching the topics and themes for this blog . . . Our latest post, however, […]
June 18, 2013

Paul's discovering the poetry of our hidden connections . . .

During a distinguished journalistic career, Paul Salopek has achieved a great deal . . . He is, for instance, a two-time winner of the Pulitzer Prize, […]
June 13, 2013

Cancer connects us (but so too do love and kindness) . . .

Like most little girls, Tara Sankner has always dreamed about becoming a princess . . . Unlike most little girls, Tara’s dream has come true. For […]
June 11, 2013

Our kindness influences the lives of everyone around us . . . .

For a time, the future looked rather bleak for Patience Menakaya . . . She hadn’t been in the United States for long and had nowhere […]
June 6, 2013

Nothing can break a connection, if it is strong and true . . .

Connection comes in all shapes and sizes. Some bonds are stronger and more profound than others. That which is felt between siblings tends to take some […]
June 4, 2013

Connection personified: Conner & Cayden Long . . .

It isn’t often that LeBron James is upstaged. Someone – or something – special is required to steal the spotlight from the Miami Heat hero and […]
May 23, 2013

'This is a no-brainer for a decent human being . . .'

Somewhere, we don’t know where, there is a man. We don’t know what he looks like and we don’t know his name. We do know that […]
May 21, 2013

'Graciousness doesn't come with terms and conditions . . .'

Singa has had enough . . . For a little over three decades, the lovable lion has symbolized all that is good about life in Singapore. […]
May 16, 2013

It's official – kindness IS good for us!

You’ve stopped smoking. You have a good diet. You don’t drink a lot. You exercise. You’re nice and healthy, right? You could be doing more. You […]
May 14, 2013

'You give a person unconditional love and they blossom . . .'

There’s one from Bangkok, another from Bangalore . . . One was rescued from Romania, one child is from China and three originate from Ethiopia. One […]
May 9, 2013

Matt Kemp: giving the shirt off his back . . .

Joshua Jones is going to die soon . . . The 19-year-old has cancer. The tumors in his spine cannot be removed. He is confined to […]
May 7, 2013

Мир не без добрых людей

You might not be able to read Russian. Fear not, we’ll translate . . . This blog post’s title – Мир не без добрых людей – means The world […]
May 1, 2013

Marching for tolerance, acceptance and understanding . . .

‘I’m a 34-year-old NBA center, I’m black and I’m gay . . .’ So begins an eye-catching article in the most-recent Sports Illustrated magazine. The author, […]
April 30, 2013

'The profound interconnectedness of all living beings'

They’ll be hanging flags in New Orleans this morning . . . From the lampposts. From the trees. Outside shops and offices. Outside homes. They’ll be […]
April 25, 2013

'If you follow your path it will be a great achievement . . .'

If ever anything occurs that shakes our faith in humankind – as, sadly, it does from time to time – we have a simple remedy . […]
April 23, 2013

In times good and bad, we are all connected . . .

In times of tragedy, people can always be relied upon to come together and to connect . . . In Boston last week. In Newtown last […]
April 18, 2013

No more hurting people. Peace.

The Boston bombing isn’t something that we’d planned to blog about . . . It’s something that we can’t comprehend here at OM®, and anyway, what more […]
April 16, 2013

The best things in life are free . . .

There’s more to life than money. Just ask Dennis Mahurin . . . Dennis has never had a lot. So much so that, for the 59-year-old, […]
April 9, 2013

'Our lives are not separate – they're completely connected'

‘When we create a social curriculum that teaches kindness, compassion, love and empathy, there is no room for hate’. No-one can question her credentials . . […]
April 1, 2013

'The thread may stretch or tangle but it will never break'

‘An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place or circumstances. The thread may stretch or tangle, but it will […]
March 28, 2013

The Thomas Edison of our times . . .

Hello again from everyone at the OM@home blog, a blog about children and young people, written for children and young people . . . . For young people just like you, […]
March 26, 2013

'There's one thing you don't mess with & that's love . . .'

Here in Rhode Island, in recent days, a great debate has been raging . . . It has centered around same-sex marriage – a contentious subject, […]
March 21, 2013

Empowering others through innovation . . .

Hello again from everyone at the OM@home blog, a blog about children and young people, written for children and young people . . . . For young people just like you, […]
March 19, 2013

'No human alive can survive without hope . . .'

Growing up in rural Ohio, he became known to most people in his neighborhood as The Cancer Boy . . . Twice he was diagnosed with […]
March 14, 2013

Happiness comes with giving selflessly . . .

Hello again from everyone at the OM@home blog, a blog about children and young people, written for children and young people . . . . For young people just like you, […]
March 12, 2013

Nick Vujicic: 'What's the point of being complete on the outside when you're broken on the inside?'

When Nick Vujicic was ten years old, he filled a bathtub with water and tried his hardest to drown himself  . . . It is one […]
March 7, 2013

'Amazing' Angelo has beaten the streets . . . .

Hello again from everyone at the OM@home blog, a blog about children and young people, written for children and young people . . . . For young people just like you, […]
March 5, 2013

'In your memory, we'll continue what you began . . .'

It takes something special to give a voice to those who otherwise wouldn’t be heard . . . To fight for the rights of the most […]
February 28, 2013

Super Shelby's a good egg!

Hello again from everyone at the OM@home blog, a blog about children and young people, written for children and young people . . . . For young people just like you, […]
February 26, 2013

Love & compassion are pumping through our veins . . . .

Prejudice and discrimination come in all shapes and sizes . . . There are forms founded on race and religion. People’s beliefs, their social standing – […]
February 20, 2013

Phiona Mutesi makes a winning move . . . .

Hello again from everyone at the OM@home blog, a blog about children and young people, written for children and young people . . . . For young people just like you, […]
February 18, 2013

Paying it forward and the path to a brighter future . . .

The image above is one that we adore . . . It’s taken from the movie Pay it Forward, a film that, ever since we first […]
February 14, 2013

Spreading kindness with heart and sole . . .

Hello again from everyone at the OM@home blog, a blog about children and young people, written for children and young people . . . . For young people just like you, […]
February 12, 2013

Having the courage to do the right thing . . .

Trying to spread kindness can often feel like fighting a losing battle . . . There is so much prejudice out there, such discord and ingrained […]
February 7, 2013

We were made to be awesome . . .

Hello again from everyone at the OM@home blog, a blog about children and young people, written for children and young people . . . . For young people just like you, […]
February 5, 2013

'We must all live our lives as role models for others . . .'

Doing the right thing isn’t always the easiest option . . . From time to time, we all find ourselves taking the path that offers the […]
January 31, 2013

Choose love, and love everyone . . .

Hello again from the team at the OM@home blog, a blog about children and young people, written for children and young people . . . . For young people just like […]
January 29, 2013

Children are all the same, in Paris and in Goettingen . . .

From time to time, a tale reaches us, here in our studio in Rhode Island, that is so inspirational that we have no option other than […]
January 24, 2013

'I hope that, one day, our world will be peaceful and loving, with no violence at all'

Hello again from everyone at the OM@home blog, a blog about children and young people, written for children and young people . . . . For young people just like you, […]
January 22, 2013

Using seeds of kindness to seize the moment . . .

It isn’t all sweetness and light in the OM Year of Kindness . . . You just have to open a newspaper or switch on the […]
January 17, 2013

Saying Night Night to inspirational Alice . . .

Hello again from everyone at the OM@home blog, a blog about children and young people, written for children and young people . . . . For young people just like you, […]
January 15, 2013

Lessons in kindness, compassion and consideration . . .

The OM Year of Kindness is off to a super start . . . Here in our studio, in Saunderstown, Rhode Island, we’ve spent recent days […]
January 10, 2013

Kind Kevin tackles the cyberbullies . . .

Happy New Year from everyone at the OM@home blog, a blog about children and young people, written for children and young people . . . . For young people just like […]
January 9, 2013

2013 is the OM Year of Kindness . . .

Rachel Scott has been on our minds a great deal in recent times . . . Given the tragic events that occurred in Newtown, Connecticut on […]
December 20, 2012

It's the most wonderful time of the year!

There’s nothing quite like Christmas  . . . To bring people closer together. To fix rifts and heal wounds. To make us forget our differences. To […]
December 19, 2012

The best Christmas present possible!

Greetings from the team at the OM@home blog, a blog about children and young people, written for children and young people . . . . For young people just like you, […]
December 13, 2012

'Let's realize that a change can only come when we all stand together as one' – We are the World . . .

The handwritten sign that had been taped to the recording studio entrance said it all . . . ‘Please check your egos at the door,’ it […]
December 11, 2012

Jason proves that dreams do come true . . .

Hello again from the team at the OM@home blog, a blog about children and young people, written for children and young people . . . . For young people just like […]
December 11, 2012

Throw your arms around the world at Christmas time . . .

The images from Ethiopia couldn’t have been more shocking . . . It was 1984, and Christmas was approaching fast. In London, however, Bob Geldof, the […]
December 6, 2012

Chy's boys are beating the bullies . . .

Greetings once again from the team at the OM@home blog, a blog about children and young people, written for children and young people . . . . For young people just […]
December 6, 2012

Defying the doctors, achieving the amazing . . .

Nothing in life is impossible . . . Just ask Arthur Boorman. This is a man used to living his life in prime physical condition; a […]
December 4, 2012

Lawrence DePrimo, Kindness Cop . . .

No-one stopped to help the homeless man . . . Some – to their shame – mocked him, teasing and taunting before disappearing into the night. […]
November 28, 2012

Inspirational Ocean, kindness crusader . . .

Hello again from the team at the OM@home blog, a blog about children and young people, written for children and young people . . . . For young people just like […]
November 27, 2012

Lucas, Thiago & a powerful force called connection . . .

The two boys soon became inseparable . . . Thrown together at school in Sao Mateus, Brazil, their shared interest in soccer made them firm friends. […]
November 27, 2012

Sharing a bond that cannot be broken . . .

Greetings once again from the team at the OM@home blog, a blog about children and young people, written for children and young people . . . . For young people just […]
November 22, 2012

Drawing strength from our bonds to each other . . .

Something to think about this Thanksgiving…. This isn’t a traditional conversation to be having around the dinner table, granted. But it’s something that today, more than […]
November 20, 2012

It's time to give thanks for our connected planet . . .

In Germany, it’s known as Erntedankfest . . . The Koreans call it Chuseok. Kinro Kansha no Hi is its name in Japan. The names might […]
November 15, 2012

Courageous Cao is an example to us all . . . .

Hello again from the team at the OM@home blog, a blog about children and young people, written for children and young people . . . . For young people just like […]
November 13, 2012

The teenager who took on the Taliban . . .

The school bus had almost reached her home – in Mingora, Pakistan – when the gunmen burst through the doors . . . Brandishing their weapons, […]
November 8, 2012

Evan the author & the canine connection . . .

Hello again from the team at the OM@home blog, a blog about children and young people, written for children and young people . . . . For young people just like […]
November 6, 2012

Lucy's gift is giving power to the people . . .

Greetings once again from the team at the OM@home blog, a blog about children and young people, written for children and young people . . . . For young people just […]
November 6, 2012

'Please always remember what we all saw, and how we all came together . . .'

The storm has passed, then, but still the suffering endures . . . Hurricane Sandy’s aftermath is – to some, at least – proving to be […]
October 31, 2012

Underground kindness in Michael Landy's London . . .

It has never been considered the friendliest place on the planet . . . The London Underground, that is. People hurrying here and there, little time […]
October 30, 2012

No feet? It's not a problem for Gabriel . . .

Hello again from the team at the OM@home blog, a blog about children and young people, written for children and young people . . . . For young people just like […]
October 29, 2012

Sandy, staying safe and sticking together . . .

It’s coming . . . The storm, that is. Hurricane Sandy, to be precise, a weather system so severe that, like innumerable others all across the […]
October 22, 2012

Redefine possible: the powerful message behind believing in yourself and others . . .

He was told, as a small child, that he could never hope to ever become a functioning member of society . . . Such a cruel […]
October 9, 2012

Taking inspiration from Rachel's wish . . .

Greetings from the team at the OM@home blog, a blog about children and young people, written for children and young people . . . . For young people just like you, […]
September 27, 2012

Big-hearted Wyatt's grand gesture . . .

It’s us again, here at the OM@home blog, a blog about children and young people, written for children and young people . . . . For young people just like you, […]
September 27, 2012

Let us be kind . . .

Remember Robyn Bomar? Robyn is the benevolent Floridian who, upon turning 38, decided to dedicate herself to doing good deeds, helping out others and spreading a […]
September 25, 2012

'Opportunities to help others are around us all the time'

‘Every day, all across the globe, 19 MILLION people share a birthday . . . What if every single day, people from every nation used their […]
September 20, 2012

'I've got a heart and I strive to use it every day . . .'

Homelessness is an issue that has been prominent on our blog of late . . . Our friend Chris Tibedo has escaped the streets, although others […]
September 20, 2012

Never be afraid to give something a go . . .

Greetings from the team here at the OM@home blog, a blog about children and young people, written for children and young people . . . . For young people just like […]
September 18, 2012

Striving to form a more perfect union . . .

For anyone keen on connection, Philadelphia is the place to be this morning . . . You see, here – at the Pennsylvania Historical Society’s downtown […]
September 13, 2012

Homelessness, hope & The White House . . .

It’s us again, here at the OM@home blog, a blog about children and young people, written for children and young people . . . . For young people just like you, […]
September 11, 2012

Serving our communities and reclaiming the abiding spirit of compassion . . .

Not all that connects us is good . . . Take today’s date, for instance, September 11, the darkest of all anniversaries but one that means […]
September 6, 2012

Love, compassion and forgiveness: it's The Cameron Effect . . .

Cameron Freeman was aged just six when, looking up from his Lego, he said the most profound thing . . . “He said ‘Mom, I think […]
September 3, 2012

Remarkable Raymond, hospital helper . . . .

Greetings from the team at the OM@home blog, a blog about children and young people, written for children and young people . . . . For young people just like you, […]
August 29, 2012

Using dishtowels to make a difference . . . .

Hello again from the team at the OM@home blog, a blog about children and young people, written for children and young people . . . . For young people just like […]
August 26, 2012

'It can be words, eye contact or a pat on the back: please just give something . . .'

Here in our studio, there are OMs everywhere . . . Some are awaiting orders. Others have been bought and are preparing to be packed. There’s […]
August 15, 2012

Taking great joy in unexpected kindness – the small things that make a difference

The meal had been poor, the waitress rude . . . . The $50 tip that followed couldn’t have been more surprising. Yet Aaron Collins took […]
August 7, 2012

There's no age limit when it comes to inspiration . . . .

Greetings from the team at the OM@home blog, a blog about children and young people, written for children and young people . . . . For young people just like you, […]
August 6, 2012

'We are all here for each other and should seek to help whenever we can….'

The best thing about being in the OM trade is the platform it gives us to meet inspirational people . . . People like Brian Armstrong. […]
July 31, 2012

Olivia is shooting for the moon . . . .

Hello again from the team at the OM@home blog, a blog about children and young people, written for children and young people . . . . For young people just like […]
July 30, 2012

You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one . . . .

Our respect for John Lennon is on record . . . . This is a man, let’s not forget, who decreed that love is all you […]
July 24, 2012

Please make a little time to think about the important things in life . . . .

It’s that time again . . . . It’s July 24, or as we call it here in Saunderstown, Rhode Island, National OM Day! This is […]
July 23, 2012

Patience, tolerance, faith, forgiveness, love, wisdom & spirit . . . .

His candor is as surprising as it is refreshing . . . . ‘You can’t imagine how selfish I was at the time, what an asshole […]
July 17, 2012

Sugar Cubes, connection and spreading smiles through messages of kindness

[vimeo w=400&h=300] Their inspiration came from Mother Teresa . . . . ‘Kind words can be short and easy to speak,’ she said. ‘But their […]
July 17, 2012

John, Evelyn, Emma & the OMs: In New York City, we are all connected . . . .

New York holds a special place in our hearts . . . . It was there, in this most significant of cities, that Emma Lazarus penned […]
July 12, 2012

"Kindness comes in all forms – and you don't need to be rich to spread it . . . ."

The other day, we told you a little about Kindness Girl . . . . Today, we’d like to tell you a little more. You see, […]
July 11, 2012

The best present money can buy . . . .

Hello again from the team at the OM@home blog, a blog about children and young people, written for children and young people . . . . For young people just like […]
July 10, 2012

"I wake up every day and this thing has my heart and I just follow it . . . ."

Her life is devoted to kindness . . . . To doing good deeds, to helping people and to encouraging others to do the same, she […]
July 6, 2012

My mother's love, always and forever <3

For those who follow our blog you’ll find this one to be a bit different.  The main reason is, this one is written by me and […]
July 3, 2012

'The only limitations that we have are the ones we allow to hold us down . . . .'

In recent days, here at OM HQ, we’ve spent a lot of time thinking about Christine Baker . . . . You’ll recall that Christine is […]
July 3, 2012

183 deeds and counting – the Kindness Quest continues . . . .

Remember Ryan Garcia? Some time ago, we introduced the charitable Chicagoan and the ambitious undertaking that caught our eye here at OM HQ . . . […]
June 26, 2012

Overcoming the roadblock – there is no need to squash down our ideas . . . .

Had he had a rich uncle, things might have turned out differently . . . . That Perry Chen had no wealthy benefactor to call upon […]
June 19, 2012

Making a difference one can at a time . . . .

Greetings from the team at the OM@home blog, a blog about children and young people, written for children and young people . . . . For young people just like you, […]
June 19, 2012

Know that YOU can make a difference in the lives of others . . . .

Their motto is borrowed from Theodore Roosevelt . . . . ‘Do what you can, with what you have, where you are,’ it goes. It remains […]
June 6, 2012

In creativity, hope & humanity, we are all connected . . . .

Life can be difficult in Newburgh, NY . . . . Perched beside the Hudson River, this is a city rich in history, but all too […]
June 4, 2012

Pushing through it and stealing the show…..

It’s us again, here at the OM@home blog, a blog about children and young people, written for children and young people . . . . For young people just like you, […]
May 29, 2012

Big dreams and even bigger hearts – help us make our wishes come true . . . .

In the beginning there was no grand plan, just a heap of clay . . . . It was 2009 and, in Saunderstown, Rhode Island, times […]
May 22, 2012

"If ever there were a time when we can sense our interconnectedness . . . ."

It took them 12 long hours . . . . Tramping through the bush in a solemn procession, one after the other, all determined to demonstrate […]
May 17, 2012

Make a promise to yourself to realize one simple fact: we are all connected . . .

You’ve heard about Maya’s forthcoming adventure . . . . Our intrepid OM is preparing to trek The Appalachian Trail, accompanying Christine Baker and Jessie on […]
May 16, 2012

Cousins + cupcakes = connection . . . .

Greetings once again from us all here at the OM@home blog – a blog about children and young people, written for children and young people . . . . For young people […]
May 15, 2012

And then there were three . . . .

Remember Christine Baker and Jessie? They’re the determined duo (one human, the other canine) preparing to trek The Appalachian Trail. It’s all for Walk4Good, a cause […]
May 8, 2012

Christine and Jessie spread kindness – one step at a time . . . .

Jessie the Labrador likes to stretch her legs . . . . It’s just as well. You see, a little later this summer, Jessie will embark […]
May 1, 2012

Drew's lemonade is the best in town . . . .

Hello again from us all here at the OM@home blog, a blog about children and young people, written for children and young people . . . […]
May 1, 2012

OMs around the world . . . .

In China . . . . In India . . . . and in Saunderstown, RI  . . . . We are all connected.
April 27, 2012

Making a difference in Las Vegas, NV….

Kevin Bacon feels it’s important to hear Mary Vail’s story. We agree . . . . In Las Vegas, Nevada, Mary Vail is making a difference. […]
April 26, 2012

Making a difference: In Delaware, OH…..

Kevin Bacon feels it’s important to hear John and Joyce Jackson’s story. We agree . . . . In Delaware, Ohio, John and Joyce Jackson have […]
April 25, 2012

Making a difference: In Rhinelander, WI…

Kevin Bacon feels it’s important to hear Rick and Kela Ellis’s story. We agree . . . . In Rhinelander, Wisconsin, Rick and Kela Ellis have […]
April 24, 2012

Kevin Bacon, connection and the spaghetti sauce that changed the planet

It’s surprising the effect that a jar of spaghetti sauce can have on the world . . . . Just ask Kevin Bacon. For several years, […]
April 17, 2012

'The best cardboard arcade ever made . . . .'

It’s us again, here at the OM@home blog, a blog about children and young people, written for children and young people . . . . For […]
April 17, 2012

"I had so much joy . . . . the happiness in my heart was as deep as the sea"

Connection can be a powerful thing. Just ask Saroo Brierly. In 1986, aged just five, he left his run-down home in Ganesh Talei, a tough neighborhood […]
April 9, 2012

Shooting hoops and helping people: The Manuel Compito connection . . . .

The guiding principles – the qualities underpinning the project – are set out from the start. Things like loyalty, responsibility, family and friendship. Things like camaraderie, […]
April 3, 2012

The Martin Luther King of the disabled . . . .

Hello again from us all here at the OM@home blog, a blog about children and young people, written for children and young people . . . […]
March 29, 2012

Tragedy, Trayvon and togetherness: it's time to tighten the bonds of humanity….

His face has become known all over the world, his name on lips near and far. His life story, told countless times. His death, uniting people […]
March 27, 2012

Standing up for himself and others . . . .

Greetings, welcome and thanks for calling in at our brand new OM@home blog, a blog about children and young people, written for children and young people […]
March 22, 2012

Following his heart on journeys of kindness: The Curtis Reliford connection

He calls them his ‘journeys of kindness’. Travelling the long road from his home in California to lend a hand in Louisiana, his truck laden with […]
March 20, 2012

Humanity in the Holocaust: Irene, the inspiration and a lesson for everyone . . .

“Every child saved with my help, and the help of all the wonderful secret messengers, who are no longer living, is the justification of my existence […]
March 16, 2012

Sowing the seeds of love: Bob, Bogart & the bus of kindness . . . .

Imagine if we hoped for the best toward every person we come into contact with during the day. If each one of us shared acts of […]
March 13, 2012

Peter von Dsikowitsky and the light that shone through the Iron Curtain . . . .

He travelled in terror, his path perilous and his chances slim. From Schwerin, in divided Germany’s North-Eastern corner, 120 stomach-churning miles, constant danger his sole companion. […]
March 9, 2012

Going the extra mile: Casey, Spencer & the Kandahar connection . . . .

It has been some time since he last bought a burger for a stranger. In Kandahar, such things are not so simple. That doesn’t mean that […]
March 4, 2012

Born This Way: Lady Gaga and the quest to make kindness cool . . . .

Her lowest point, the time the High School bullies flung her into a trash can. The incident, not an isolated one. The name-calling so frequent it […]
February 7, 2012

"I have found out that being nice doesn't take extra time . . . ."

Isla Quinn has changed the world. Imperceptibly, perhaps, but there can be no question that the planet is a more connected place for her presence on […]
February 5, 2012

OM alone 02.05.12

Evelyn Lauder. Emma Lazarus. Rachel Scott. Miquette Bishop. We are all connected.
February 2, 2012

'Compassion is the greatest form of love that humans have to offer . . . .'

“I want to start a chain reaction of kindness and compassion that will make a ripple around the world.” – Rachel Scott. She fell first that dreadful […]
January 31, 2012

"Our interconnectedness, empathy and compassion are what make us special…."

For a time, it was touch and go. Those gathered around her bedside had been told to prepare themselves for the worst. Funeral arrangements had been […]
January 29, 2012

OM alone 01.29.2012

New OMs. New opportunities. New York. We are all connected.
January 26, 2012

"It's time to believe in ourselves, it's time to believe in humanity……"

They’ve been on the road for eight long months. Their mission, one rooted in community, kindness and compassion. Their names are Kirk and Cindy Sinclair. Their […]
January 24, 2012

Taking a look through the window of life: Charlie's challenge connects us all . . . .

In 2005, in the UK, five-year-old Charlie Williams was diagnosed with medulloblastoma, a rare and deadly cancer that all too often proves fatal. Seven years later, […]
January 22, 2012

OM alone 01.22.12

. . . . because OMs have possibilities as endless as the stars in the sky. We are all connected.
January 19, 2012

'That good feeling, that's the reward for helping those in need . . . .'

“Yes, if you want to say that I was a drum major, say that I was a drum major for justice; say that I was a […]
January 17, 2012

"Hope is Haiti" – Creativity, kombit & the Donna Karan connection . . . .

There is a special word in Haitian Creole – ‘kombit’. It means joining together to accomplish something. She endured dreadful nightmares and feared each day’s fresh […]
January 15, 2012

OM alone 01.15.12

Love, peace & happiness: The Universal Wishes. We are all connected.
January 12, 2012

The power of love: Crossroads, Chris & a message from the streets . . . .

It has been some time since he last made contact. The nights have been cold, the days too for those with nowhere to go, the conditions […]
January 10, 2012

The angel, the hope and the quest to make life 'as good as she imagined it.'

Born amidst great tragedy, so too did she die. Dark days bookended a life too short – it lasted less than a decade – but, despite […]
January 8, 2012

OM alone 01.08.12

Love is all you need. We are all connected.
January 3, 2012

all you need is love, all you need is love, all you need is love, love is all you need

Before the billboards, The Beatles. Before the peace movement, the popular musician. John Lennon’s life comprised countless chapters. Running through them all, one constant. The theme, […]
December 22, 2011

No violence, frustration or fear: John, Yoko & the quest for peace on Earth

The billboards started popping up everywhere. In cities all over the world. In New York and Los Angeles. In Toronto, Rome and Athens. In Berlin, Amsterdam, […]
December 20, 2011

No room for Scrooges in Saunderstown: it's the Christmas Carol connection!

He had no time for Christmas. Hated it, in fact. Giving no gifts, eschewing its embrace, the season that he liked to refer to as humbug. […]
December 18, 2011

OM alone 12.18.11

. . . because nothing can warm the heart quite like an OM. We are all connected.
December 15, 2011

Crystal, Christmas and the Random Acts of Kindness connection . . . .

It began with an insult. Something snide, an affront from a co-worker, the negative so needless, the jibe one that festered. For Crystal DeCoursey, the cruel […]
December 13, 2011

Stille Nacht, salvation and 'a loving embrace for all the peoples of the world'

Joseph Mohr had a problem. His long-awaited carol service just hours away, the organ at St Nicholas Kirche, damaged during a storm that had prompted the […]
December 11, 2011

OM alone 12.11.11

. . . because artists and OMs are kindred spirits. We are all connected.
December 8, 2011

Kimba, Simba and Sundiata Keita: it must be The Lion King Connection

“When we die, our bodies become the grass. “The antelope eat the grass, and so we are all connected in the great circle of life.” – […]
December 6, 2011

Canvas, connection and Kevin O'Hanlon restores lost hope in Haiti

They’d been sleeping on the streets. The fortunate ones in tents and makeshift shelters, the rest in conditions unimaginable. Many, just children, their need dire. Haiti, […]
December 4, 2011

OM alone 12.04.2011

. . . because nothing says it’s Christmas quite like an OM. We are all connected.
December 1, 2011

HIV, Patrick O'Connell and the ribbon that connected the planet . . . .

It had to stand out. Red, Patrick O’Connell decided, the brighter and the bolder the better. It was 1991, and the decade’s death toll in New […]
November 28, 2011

Love and pain, illness and death, art and exhilaration: it's just Life in a Day . . .

There was a full moon that night. It was mid-summer – July 24, 2010, to be precise – and in London, a group of ground-breaking film-makers […]
November 27, 2011

OM alone 11.27.2011

. . . because sometimes no words are needed, only OMs. We are all connected.
November 23, 2011

One heart, one voice, and connecting a country, Thanksgiving-style

There were eels aplenty, that year. Swans too, and lobsters, geese and mussels, beetroot and barley, clams and cod. It was 1621, the first such celebration […]
November 20, 2011

OM alone 11.20.2011

. . . because sometimes no words are needed, only OMs. We are all connected.
November 17, 2011

Pink ribbons & persecution: Ernest and Evelyn and the cancer connection

Quick thinking saved Ernest Hausner. In 1938, as the Nazis began to stream over the Austrian border, the Viennese storekeeper gathered together all the belongings he […]
November 15, 2011

Life and death, war and peace, love and loss: The 11/11/11 Connection

Last Friday, at 11 o’clock on the dot, our studio fell silent for two minutes. It takes something rather important to bring the OM production line to […]
November 13, 2011

OM alone 11.13.2011

. . . because sometimes no words are needed, only OMs. We are all connected.
November 10, 2011

Helpless, speechless & breathless: Gaia, James Taylor and connection as science

This connection business is a curious affair, never failing to surprise us in the things it throws up. Take James Lovelock, for instance. Until a little […]
November 8, 2011

Connection 21st Century-style: Tweeting and the Dalai Lama's latest lesson

Think about the Dalai Lama. Picture him in your head. Now, what did you see? The flowing red and orange robes? The familiar smile and spectacles? […]
November 6, 2011

OM alone 11.06.2011

. . . because sometimes no words are needed, only OMs. We are all connected.
November 3, 2011

"To bigotry, no sanction; to persecution, no assistance . . . ."

During the intolerant times that followed the signing of the Declaration of Independence, the United States appeared, to some in its midst, anything but united. Making […]
November 1, 2011

Tender and Protective: Liberty, Lazarus & the beacon of world-wide welcome

From her beacon hand glows world-wide welcome. Give me your tired, your poor. Your huddled masses, yearning to breathe free. The wretched refuse of your teeming […]
October 27, 2011

From hero to homelessness: the toughest fight of Jose Tolentino's life

Homeless people. They’re out on the streets for a reason, right? Come on, they’re responsible for their circumstances, they’ve contributed to their plight. Drink, drugs, gambling, […]
October 22, 2011

Egyptian outrage: 'The dictator has gone, but not the dictatorship'

In Egypt, a man sits in a prison cell. He is, it is said, close to death. His crime, as ludicrous as it might sound, was […]
October 20, 2011

The center & the circumference: George is homeward bound at long last

Home is the center and the circumference, the start and the finish of most of our lives. So said Charlotte Perkins Gilman, the renowned sociologist, novelist […]
October 17, 2011

We have a dream: OMs, Obama and the MLK connection

The more we’ve thought about it, the more we’ve come to realize that, here in Saunderstown, we have a lot in common with the late, great […]
October 15, 2011

More people, more OMs: the seven billion reasons to become more connected

The babies born, worldwide, this month, will be equal in number to the total population of Portugal. Those dying between October’s first and last days will […]
October 13, 2011

Apple, Mak and the Hong Kong connection

Our recent tribute to Steve Jobs, we’re delighted to report, has proved popular, eliciting some fabulous feedback and much-appreciated messages. It was, we don’t mind admitting, a […]
October 11, 2011

Genes, blood, heritage & distinctive ears: connecting the Caez family

Given that, chief amongst our priorities is our family, there’s nothing we like better here in Saunderstown than a good old-fashioned get-together. The more the merrier, […]
October 8, 2011

Enriching, enhancing, inspiring: Steve Jobs, the genius of our generation

The three apples that changed the world: the one Eve ate, the one that fell on Newton’s head and the one Steve Jobs created. Great line, […]
October 6, 2011

Fewer men like Marlo Stanfield, more like Jamie Hector

Marlo Stanfield is not a nice man. Drug lord, killer, an all-round bad egg, just thinking about the brutal Baltimorean makes us shudder. Fortunately, Marlo Stanfield […]
October 4, 2011

The vision, the village, a place to call home

Since Chris Tibedo’s tale first came to our attention last month, the importance of having a place to call home has been underlined in no uncertain […]
September 29, 2011

Invigorating, acknowledging, hopes and dreams

Question: Whereabouts are you planning to sleep tonight? In a house? A home? You might consider your surroundings simple, a modest abode. Trust us, no matter […]
September 22, 2011

What do you want the public to know about homelessness

“Homeless isn’t a different page.  We’re not the Bag Lady, we’re not the Hobo.  We’re not just a piece of trash on the side of the […]
September 12, 2011

Only One!

  Have you ever been to Ipswich? “Which one?” you might ask. It’d be a good question. You see, there are Ipswiches all over the place. […]
September 9, 2011

Connections come in all forms

It takes an awful lot to stop the production line running here at OM Central. Come rain or shine our studio is abuzz, our quest to […]
September 6, 2011

Love. Life. Happiness.

Marriage means a great deal to us all here at OM HQ, where there’s nothing we like more than a good wedding. Evidently, in that regard, […]
August 31, 2011

Penn Station Connections

New York City’s attractions are world-renowned – the Big Apple able to boast more things to see and do than perhaps anywhere else on Earth. During […]
August 19, 2011

OMs in Manhattan!

The current population of New York City, according to the most-recent figures available, stands at an awe-inspiring 8,214,426 people. In 2010, research has revealed, a further […]
August 18, 2011

One World, One Dream.

Cast your mind back – if you will – to a time three summers back, a little over 1,100 days ago, August 8, 2008, to be […]
August 10, 2011

Mulkanundracooracooratarraninna to Saunderstown, the legend endures

In Mulkanundracooracooratarraninna, making connections can be a somewhat challenging business. It is the case too in Cannuwaukaninna and Killalpaninna, Mungarannie and Mirra Mitta, Dulkaninna, Pandie Pandie […]
August 8, 2011

New York, his 13th and Final State!

It was long ago – in Medieval times, in fact – that the phrase All roads lead to Rome was coined for the first time. These […]
August 5, 2011

We are all connected

In the time it takes to read this short sentence, around 20 million emails will enter cyberspace. More than 247 billion are expected to be sent […]
August 3, 2011

Six Degrees of SeparatiOM

You’ve heard all about the Six Degrees of Separation. Now we’d like to introduce you all to our own social experiment, devised right here in our […]
July 30, 2011

First Field Trip

Some time ago, right here on our blog, we introduced you to the Arkansas Bluebird of Happiness, a beautiful glass-blown creation that had touched lives and […]
July 29, 2011


Start spreading the news, we’re leaving today! OK, well, not quite today, but soon, in less than two weeks – right to the very heart of […]
July 27, 2011

Connection? Omaha? OMs?

Harvard, 1967. Stanley Milgram, the renowned social psychologist, set in motion a research project that defined a generation’s perception of connection. He called the project The […]
July 24, 2011

Time to Celebrate!

Pop the corks, hang out the flags, light the blue touch paper. It’s Sunday, it’s July 24, 2011. It’s National OM Day! It’s the first one […]
July 20, 2011


Legacies are important to Presidents. From Taft to Truman, and from Coolidge to Carter, all those to have sat in the big chair in The Oval […]
July 19, 2011

Our Pygmy OM

Some people will do anything to get their hands on the latest OM to emerge from our studio, as our participation in the Pygmy Land Project […]
July 15, 2011

Mark Allison

You know, it’s possible to achieve an awful lot in 75 days if you put your mind to it. Just ask Mark Allison. Think about it […]
July 14, 2011

Small World Phenomenon

For anyone keen on connection, the Small World Phenomenon ought to be a familiar topic. Taking its title from a far-reaching social experiment conducted in 1967, […]
July 12, 2011

Donna and Emily Mirza and the El Camino De Santiago

  He achieved much during a laudable lifetime: serving as the second President of the United States, a driving force in the revolution that established independence […]
July 11, 2011

President Obama OM has made it to the White House

Bills. Junk mail. More junk mail. Bills. More junk mail – another bill. Our morning mail deliveries don’t always excite us. But this week? This week, […]
July 6, 2011

Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights, that among […]
June 29, 2011

What is a Pygmy OM?

At the heart of the Congo forest lives one of the oldest populations in the world, pygmies. They represent around 1% of the population, and are […]
June 27, 2011

Rhode Island is great, but Madagascar it ain't!

The panda is not prevalent here in Saunderstown where, for local wildlife, we have to make do with the occasional opossum, or the raccoons rooting at […]
June 24, 2011

An OM for Alice

The Lake District – the region in North-West England that Alice Pyne calls home – is renowned for both its stunning countryside and its inclement conditions. […]
June 21, 2011

It's not a Gnome, It's an OM!

  Speak French?  Or Italian? If so, you’ll not require a translation. If not, don’t worry, we’ll provide the  relevant details.  You see, our latest topic […]
June 17, 2011

The Best Things Come in Small Packages

Here in Saunderstown as you’ll know, we’re suckers for an inspirational quotation, a nice catchphrase  or a sensible saying. Proverbs, though are our particular preference, the […]
June 16, 2011

Six Degrees of SeparatiOM

    MSN Messenger ranks among the most-used software applications on the planet. Do you ever use it to communicate, to connect? If the answer to […]
June 13, 2011

Here's to Chief Si'ahl – And all he stood for.

Here in Saunderstown, we are East Coast through and through. There is nowhere else on Earth we’d rather call home.  Smitten with our spectacular seaboard, we […]
June 9, 2011

Alice Pyne

  It takes something – or someone – special to command attention online. We know, for we’ve spent a long time attempting to add to our […]
June 8, 2011

It's no Van Morrison, but we like it!

Electronic music has never been our thing here at OM HQ where after a long shift in our studio, you can often find us unwinding to […]
June 6, 2011


Valley School Graduating Eighth Grade Class of 2011 – Keeping their lifetime Connection with OMs Suppose you could have a super power.  What would it be? […]
June 2, 2011

'I AM'

He had it all: private jets, a mansion that brimmed with priceless antiques and fine art, untold riches,  fame, fortune and all the trappings that success […]
June 1, 2011

Six Degrees of Separation

Kevin Bacon has made some great movies, don’t you think? For a long time, our favorite here in Saunderstown has been Apollo 13. To be honest, it’s […]
May 31, 2011


Talk about synchronism! Events at Buckingham Palace don’t tend to have a great bearing on us here in our studio in Saunderstown. So imagine our surprise […]
May 26, 2011

A Tale of a Different Time……

Do people still write letters?   Have postcards become a thing of the past? We only ask because in the times in which we live – […]
May 20, 2011

An OM hOMe for Tim BurtOM

Upon being commissioned to design and create a bespoke OM for Tim Burton, we assumed that our latest departee would find a nice, quiet spot in […]
May 18, 2011

Team George

Following our Facebook page?  No?   Well you should, there’s a lot going on there, more than ever, in fact. If you are amongst our fast-growing […]
May 12, 2011

Don't send a Mongoose or a Toad!

In 1883, in an attempt to stop rats ravaging their crops, the Hawaiian authorities introduced the Indian mongoose to their lush islands. Just over 50 years […]
May 10, 2011

Tim BurtOM

Alice in Wonderland, Beetlejuice, Batman, Batman Returns, Edward Scissorhands, Planet of the Apes, Sleepy Hollow, Sweeney Todd, The Nightmare before Christmas and Charlie and the Chocolate […]
May 6, 2011

There's Just One Miquette Bishop

Do you know Dave Gorman? “Which one?” you might ask.  It’d be a pertinent question. The Dave Gorman to whom we refer is a British comedian, […]
May 3, 2011

Johannes Milla's Kinetic Architecture: 'Citizens in Motion!'

Some people understand OMs and their underlying attributes more than others. He might not realise it, but Johannes Milla – in our opinion, at least – […]
May 2, 2011


You might not think we have much in common with Willy Wonka and in lots of ways, you’d be correct. But there is one link – […]
April 30, 2011

A Penchant For Good Causes

You know, the more we think about it, the more we seem to have in common with Mark Allison. Granted, he’s really good at running and […]
April 28, 2011


Mark Allison left his home Tuesday morning with mixed feelings and a suitcase bulging under the strain of several pairs of running shoes. The next time […]
April 27, 2011

Bluebird of Happiness, OM Connection

Inspiration can sometimes be found in the strangest places. Even Arkansas. Please, Arkansans, don’t take offence at our little joke.  The truth is, here in Saunderstown, […]
April 21, 2011

HOLLYWOOD! Here we come!

Roll out the red carpet, the OMs are heading for Hollywood! This summer, some of the biggest names in show business will converge in Los Angeles […]
April 19, 2011

Gilbert Stuart in your pocket, OM in your heart

 In the photo: Panache, Thabit, Theemin & Chara at the Gilbert Stuart Museum, Gilbert Stuart Rd., Saunderstown, RI You might not realise it, but each and […]
April 18, 2011

Five. Four. Three. Two. OM.

It was the 50th anniversary of Yuri Gagarin’s historic Vostok mission last week and we read accounts of the remarkable Russian’s adventure with interest. Let’s be […]
April 16, 2011

Add an OM to the equation

Ever heard the one about The President, the pensioner and the 1850 Irish potato famine?  It sounds a little like the opening to a convoluted and, […]
April 15, 2011

Got a feeling in my heart for you

We are all connected. Connections mean the world to us here in Saunderstown, so our latest commission could not be more exciting. In September, our first […]
April 12, 2011

Run Geordie Run!

Our OMs are nothing if not intrepid, accustomed to leaving Rhode Island behind and heading for destinations across the globe. Travel is not something that daunts our […]
April 11, 2011

Let's hear it for Springtime, prince of seasons!

Let’s hear it for Springtime, prince of seasons! The other seasons have their merits, but Spring, time of awakenings and fresh beginnings, Spring is a cut […]
April 9, 2011

Dreamers into Doers

You’ve befriended us on Facebook and followed our feed on Twitter. Now, as of this week, you can also find us at Martha Stewart’s Dreamers into […]
April 8, 2011

OMs and Stars are singing…"we are all connected"

Imagine our excitement at OM Central to learn that astronomers in Britain have discovered that, trillions of miles above us, deep in outer Space, the stars […]
April 6, 2011

OM community is abuzz…

These are exciting times for us here.  In our Saunderstown studio, the OM community is abuzz at news of new arrivals. They’re not here yet, but […]
April 5, 2011

The OMs are our Caterpillars

Is there anything more rewarding than reading to a child?  Get a child to engage in a ripping yarn, fire the imagination, entertain, inform and educate […]
April 5, 2011

The Year of the OM!

    THE YEAR OF THE OM It is, according to the Chinese calendar, the Year of the Rabbit. But in Saunderstown, 2011 has also been […]
January 5, 2011

The beginning of 2011

  Happy New Year Everyone…. After Christmas I received wonderful and inspiring emails from people who had received OMs as gifts and they told me how […]
June 25, 2013

Tell the people you love how important they are . . .

On June 6, 2011, Tanya Lim telephoned her brother, Eric, to apologize for an argument the pair had had two or three months earlier . . […]
June 20, 2013

'Kids know what they're talking about (and we need to start listening to them more) . . .'

Here at OM®, we spend a great deal of time each week researching the topics and themes for this blog . . . Our latest post, however, […]
June 18, 2013

Paul's discovering the poetry of our hidden connections . . .

During a distinguished journalistic career, Paul Salopek has achieved a great deal . . . He is, for instance, a two-time winner of the Pulitzer Prize, […]
June 13, 2013

Cancer connects us (but so too do love and kindness) . . .

Like most little girls, Tara Sankner has always dreamed about becoming a princess . . . Unlike most little girls, Tara’s dream has come true. For […]
June 11, 2013

Our kindness influences the lives of everyone around us . . . .

For a time, the future looked rather bleak for Patience Menakaya . . . She hadn’t been in the United States for long and had nowhere […]
June 6, 2013

Nothing can break a connection, if it is strong and true . . .

Connection comes in all shapes and sizes. Some bonds are stronger and more profound than others. That which is felt between siblings tends to take some […]
June 4, 2013

Connection personified: Conner & Cayden Long . . .

It isn’t often that LeBron James is upstaged. Someone – or something – special is required to steal the spotlight from the Miami Heat hero and […]
May 23, 2013

'This is a no-brainer for a decent human being . . .'

Somewhere, we don’t know where, there is a man. We don’t know what he looks like and we don’t know his name. We do know that […]
May 21, 2013

'Graciousness doesn't come with terms and conditions . . .'

Singa has had enough . . . For a little over three decades, the lovable lion has symbolized all that is good about life in Singapore. […]